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Art-i-Facts: 1.) a collection of compositions penned over the same period of time as the Audnoyz Project Vol 4 final formulation 2.) pensive solo guitar and ensemble pieces imbued with a vibe from years past. 3.) music from stirred emotions that land outside the composer’s head in eclectic acoustic compositions. 4.) artifacts of interconnectedness living, being, walking a creative path. 5.) all the above along with narrative:
Rising Tide
The saying goes a rising tide lifts all boats. Rising tide is about anything that can be overcome with enough time, effort and perseverance put towards a goal. An axiom my wife, an educator, always says is “success breeds success.” This is especially so when supporting people with developmental delays, disabilities or learning deficits. It’s a song about Hope.
Something Bout Hope
Is just a musing about hope. Originally written as a solo acoustic piece has grown beyond its original bounds in meaning and reverence.The belief that things can get better and hope in positive thinking is something we all can do. True too is we can choose how we let circumstances affect us. Yes, it’s not easy to always be reaching for the light and not let the darkness overwhelm. The song's theme came to me on a 911 anniversary eve a few years ago after a challenging parenting day. It came to me emotionally charged in that way I suppose. Or so I thought, then…
Patty’s Song
I wrote this tune at the time of the passing of dear Patty Barkas. I just sat down and here it is captured as I felt it that day.
Mr. G Stringie Thingie
Is a “fusion” that took 10 years to get around to recording the arrangement that was floating around in my head. Yah, G-String I know what you were thinking, and you are wrong. Mr. G is Maura Giuliani, a 17th century guitar virtuoso. I had played his etudes for years. Then I got the idea to meld a few etudes with connective progressive fusion sections. With Maggie Rizzi Bass and Frank Basile Drums.
What You Do
A love song of sorts, an acknowledgement… for my partner, a free-thinking woman of immense intelligence and empathy, an educator, my love & muse. Together we have weathered many storms and work to help our very special child walk her path to becoming the very best version of self. A feeling of tenacity of purpose magnified by another’s capabilities beyond my own; in aggregate providing the strength and will to forge ahead. All while not losing ourselves as individuals and as a couple to the long endless slog.
This piece came to me as the capstone of projects during the Wormhole Winter and Covid Spring ‘21. Putting finality to this collection of emotional trappings of subconscious, Mind Cinema, living process and … Audnoyz.
Why? Borrowing from Steven Pressfield’s adroit observations of the writing of the Bhagavad-Gita: We are all servants of mystery. We are put on earth to act as agents of the infinite, to bring to existence that which is not yet, but will be through us. Beyond the creation of this Art the prospects to make a dent; to help, albeit trigger a thought, provide escape for a moment or inspire action.
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